Monday, 30 January 2012

Filming schedule

Monday 30th January,
  • My group and I met up to film some of the areas of our film. We met at 17:00 so that it was getting dark, as most of our film is in dim lighting. We called our actors and actresses Alex and Amy so that we could get as much done as possible. As we were one actress down, we filmed the areas that character 'Amy' was in which involved looking for her friend hearing the murderer in the house. The only prop we used for our filming was some ketchup on the window, which gave a slight effect on the window in one of our shots. We did not use any other props for our filming as we do not want our audience to know how our murderer is killing people, just that he is doing it. 

Monday 13th February,

  • Since it gets darker later, our filming started at 18:00. When my group and I met up for filming on this occasion, since we had all our actresses and actors we filmed the other areas of our film. When filming the lighting on our camera looked bright and clear, but when we put it onto the computers at school we realised some areas were too dark. Also since we filmed on different days, our lighting turning out to be slightly darker in some shots, which would make it apparent that our filming was on two different days, which would not give a good effect of continuity. After finding out this our group have to re film the certain areas that do not match and are too dark.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Final location

  • For our final location, we are going to use two different houses, as they are near to each other so we could alternate between them. The reason we have chosen two houses is because one of them has a big window looking out onto a drive, which we could make scary in the dark, and the other one has a staircase with gaps in between, which we would need for the shot of our bad guy's feet walking up the stairs.

  • We chose to do our film in houses because your house is meant to be a sanctuary, so by placing the intruder inside the house, it is simply playing on a lot of people's deep down fears, and making them feel unsafe in their own home. Also by doing it in a house, it means we are able to control the light that we want, as if we were to do it outside, we may not be able to see anything when filming because we wouldn't have as much control over the light. We would have to film it at 4ish and film quickly as it gets dark so quickly.

  • Below are pictures of the two houses we intend to alternate between and use.

  • We have decided to only use house one from now on, as using two houses was two difficult as the lighting would not show continuity as they are different lights and different amounts of light shine on each house. Also if we were to use two houses it would look complicated and confusing as the rooms may not look right as they would not all be in one house. By choosing one house all of our filming will look like it should, and we will be able to control the lighting in our scenes properly. Also it saves the walking between the two because everyone will just be at one house all the time.   

    Interview with actor four


    B: What is your favourite type of film?

    L: Comedy, I like to laugh

    B: How many films have you watched in the last month?

    L: I'm a bit of an addict, about 30.

    B: Wow that's a lot, do you watch many horror films?

    L: A few, not when I'm alone though.

    B: What's your favourite horror film?

    L: Paranormal Activity, supernatural stuff scares me.

    B: Why do you feel you would be suited to this part?

    L: I'm not sure really, maybe because I'm blonde, and blonde girls are usually the victims.

    B: Have you had any acting experience before?

    L: I was the main part in my school play when I was 5. I was Mary out of the Nativity.

    B: Okay, that's helpful. Thank you for your time to answer my questions.

    L: That's okay, anytime!

    Thursday, 12 January 2012

    Film name

    • After hours of deciding between film names, we chose to scrap every idea we had been considering and come up with a new one. Whilst talking about a 'signature move' that our murder could do whilst killing people (which is the bloody hand down the window) we decided that we had discovered our film name then. Since our murderer has a 'signature' way of killing people, we decided that our film should be based on that, so instead of calling it 'the handprint' or 'blood hand' we chose to call it 'signature' as it was original and different, and none of us had ever heard of a film being called it before. 
    film name: SIGNATURE

    Horror Film Poster

    • This is a horror film poster that a group member called Beth and I made. We decided to do a horror film poster as it would show our target audience that it is a horror film by the colours and font that we decided to use. By using red in our poster, it can connote blood and violence, and by using white it can signify purity which is the opposite of blood. We chose to use white as it stands out when you look at it and is very clear against the background. Also it gives a slight clue to the story of the film, and the events that may occur. We made this poster on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Elements, in order to get a professional finish, which you would not be able to create on paint. We used the font 'Charlemagne Std' as it is in capitals and bold, so it is eye catching and it has added extras to the letters to give a scarier finish.