Thursday, 12 January 2012

Horror Film Poster

  • This is a horror film poster that a group member called Beth and I made. We decided to do a horror film poster as it would show our target audience that it is a horror film by the colours and font that we decided to use. By using red in our poster, it can connote blood and violence, and by using white it can signify purity which is the opposite of blood. We chose to use white as it stands out when you look at it and is very clear against the background. Also it gives a slight clue to the story of the film, and the events that may occur. We made this poster on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Elements, in order to get a professional finish, which you would not be able to create on paint. We used the font 'Charlemagne Std' as it is in capitals and bold, so it is eye catching and it has added extras to the letters to give a scarier finish.

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