Horror film market research
Please circle relevantly
1. What is your Gender?
Male female
2. How old are you?
14-20 21- 30 31-40 Other (please specify)
How many times have you been to the cinema in the last 6 months?
0 1-5 6-10 11-15 Other (please specify)
How many times have you been to the cinema in the last 6 months?
0 1-5 6-10 11-15 Other (please specify)
3. How many horror films have you watched in the last 6 months?
0 1-5 6-10 11-15 Other (please specify)
4. What is your favourite type of horror film?
Supernatural – e.g zombies, demons
Torture- e.g saw
Natural- e.g jaws (when nature attracts)
Real life- e.g The strangers (people breaking into your house)
5. What is your favourite horror film at the moment?
---- .................................................................................
7. Do you go to the cinema to watch these films? Why?
Yes No
8. What do you think is the best location for a horror film? Please state if other.
- Woods
- Town
- House
- Other……………………………………
9. How badly are you affected by them on a scale of 1 to 5? 5 being a huge amount.
1 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4 5
10. Do you think the music plays an important part in the build-up of tension?
1 2 3 4 5RESULTS
Our study consisted of asking 10 people (all of different ages and different gender.)
- 5 out of 10 people were male, and 5 out of 10 people were female.
- 7 people asked were in the bracket of 14-20, 2 were in the bracket of 21-30 and 1 was in the bracket of 31-40.
- 8 people answered question 3 with 1-5 times of going to the cinema in the past 6 months, and 2 answered none.
- 4 people answered question 4 with 6-10 times, and 6 people answered 1-5 times.
- 6 people asked preferred supernatural horror films and 4 preferred real life horror films.
- When asked their favourite horror films, answers varied - Creep, The Shining, The Happening, Paranormal Activity 3 (Chosen 3 times), The Sixth Sense (Chosen twice), The Strangers, SAW.
- 3 out of 10 people went to the cinema to watch their chosen film, 7 out of 10 people answered no, they didn't because it is too scary.
- 8 people answered the woods for the best location for a horror film, and 2 people answered a house.
- Out of the people asked, the most common numbers were 4 and 5, on the scale of how much it affected them.
- 10 out of 10 people answered 5, to the music being an important part in the build up of tension.
- From our results, it is clear to see that it does not depend on your gender, to whether or not horror films are suited to you, and ages do vary with horror films, but with 15-24 year olds being the group who choose to watch them the most. From our results stating that 8 people went to the cinema 1-5 times in the last 6 months, it suggests that people do not choose to go to the cinema very often anymore, as they can watch the films more times for cheaper when they come out on DVD. The answers we were given about how often people have watched a horror film in the last 6 months, compared to how often they have gone to the cinema suggests that people prefer to watch horror films at home because 4 people have watched 6-10 horror films recently, and 6 people have watched 1-5 which shows that everyone asked had seen a horror film recently.
- Our results also show that people mainly prefer supernatural horror films and real life horror films, due to the fact that they are scarier because people can relate more to them. The answers to people's favourite horror films do vary which is helpful to use because if we were in need of ideas, we could watch these films to find out what is interesting and good at them, and relate some of their ideas back into our own film production. By 3 people choosing Paranormal Activity 3, it could be due to the fact that it came out recently and is part of a Saga that people most likely enjoy.
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